Simple steps to fit into your day
There are simple things you can do that help boost your mood and make you feel happy. These are changes you can fit into your everyday life, they’re easy to do and don’t have to cost a penny!
Research shows that by adding these five actions into your life will help you feel stronger to deal with life’s challenges better. Think of them as the wellbeing equivalent of five fruit and veg a day! We call these the five ways to wellbeing.

Connect with people
Spending time with friends, family, neighbours, colleagues or meeting new people, maybe through community groups or online interest groups, is great for our mental wellbeing and reminds us that we’re important and valued by others. When we talk to others, we can see that we’re often not the only one struggling with something. That makes us feel better and we learn new coping and problem-solving skills.
Who would have thought that a natter could scientifically boost our mood!
The following all count:
- Talking to friends, family, neighbours or meeting new people
- Helping a friend or neighbour
- Eating a meal with your family
- Saying hello to someone
- Call someone if you don’t feel ready to see them in person
- Have a dog? Go a local place at a similar time each day and chat to other dog walkers.
- Getting out and about, meeting new people and appreciating the great outdoors can help us feel connected to people and feel more positive. Explore your local park or greenspace.
Feeling lonely or isolated?
Liverpool is a city with a great community spirit and lots going on. You might feel worried or nervous about getting involved in something new. That’s normal, but just know there are lots of things you can try and people who’d be happy to help you. Community Connectors can link you up with people with similar interests to help you feel less isolated and make new friends. Find out more about Community Connectors. You can also connect to activities, groups and discover new interests via The Life Rooms.
Female Forum
Talking and connecting with other people who understand or relate to us is a great way to connect. The Female Forum is open to all women aged 18+ and meet in person every quarter to discuss a themed topic, to chat, connect and make friends. Everything discussed is in confidence and not to be shared. It also has a closed Facebook group open to new members who want to meet, connect and make friends and often arrange additional meet ups. To join, email and reference ‘Female Forum’ and you will be sent an invitation.

Be active
Did you know that being active just 10 minutes a day can make you feel good? Being active does wonders for our physical health but is also an instant natural stress reliever, giving us more energy, releasing mood boosting hormones, improve our mood and help to clear our head. Building this into your life could be as simple as:
- Walking or wheeling around the block
- Taking the stairs instead of the lift where you can
- Getting off the bus a stop earlier and walking the rest
- Dance to your favourite song in the house!
- Walk the dog. Or if you don’t have a dog, borrow one!
- Do some housework or gardening – they all count!
- Explore Liverpool’s parks and greenspaces
And if you can, build up to 30 minutes of activity each day. This can be anything that raises your heart rate from walking, jogging and cycling through to running, swimming and sports. Liverpool’s parks and greenspaces have accessible walking/running routes for you to follow or check out #WalkInThePark for lots of local inspiration, shared on Wednesdays!
Fit for Me
Be inspired by our ambassador stories, get tips for being active at home and check out some 10-minute motivations. For more tips, advice and support to get active in your area and find out how people in Liverpool are getting active, visit Fit for Me and This Girl Can Liverpool.
You can call 0151 233 3073 to request an active at home booklet be posted out to you.
Want to set up your own activity group for people with similar interests such as walking, cycling or ping pong? Email

Take notice
Thinking about the things we’re grateful for, big or small, is a great way to boost our mood and appreciate what we have.
Liverpool has some great parks and amazing architecture. Just by looking up and seeing what’s around us can open a whole new world. Being mindful of the present moment in terms of what is happening in front of you and how you feel can have a really positive impact on your mental wellbeing. Take a few minutes to slow down, be in the moment and be aware of the good things around you.
You don’t even have to leave the house. Look out of the window. Is the sun shining, is it windy or is it raining again? Try getting comfortable, relax and listen to the sound of the wind or rain. Thinking about three things you are grateful for in life or that day, no matter how small, can be a great exercise to do each day. Writing down the three things down each day can help us appreciate the good things in our life.
Culture and the great outdoors
Take a walk in one of Liverpool’s many parks and greenspaces. Explore the city’s history and heritage and find things to do at Visit Liverpool and Culture Liverpool. Are you a film buff? A walk around Liverpool will bring you to many film locations.

Keep learning
It’s been proven that learning new things helps to improve our self-esteem, confidence and stay connected with others.
Learn new skills, such as cooking, speaking a different language, first aid or even DIY around the house. It’s about what best fits your needs. Learning a new skill can help you connect with new people and learn from each other. Learning new skills could be as simple as trying a new recipe and you even benefit from eating it!
Adult education courses are a great way to keep learning. Why not have a look at some of the courses on offer with Liverpool’s Adult Learning Service.
Check out your local library
Pop along to your local library where they have so much on offer! Learn new things, brush up on skills and knowledge you’ve not used in a while and get to meet new people. Find out more on Liverpool libraries.

Help others
Helping and giving to other people, can give us a sense of purpose, improve our feelings of self-worth, and make us feel good. It doesn’t have to cost anything. Just a smile, compliment or thank you can brighten your and someone else’s day. Do something nice for a friend, neighbour, family member or someone you don’t know!
Giving your time or joining a community group can:
- help you feel good about yourself
- improve your self-esteem
- bring opportunities to make friends and take part in social activities
- provide learning opportunities
Helping and giving to other people, can give us a sense of purpose, improve our feelings of self-worth, and make us feel good. It doesn’t have to cost anything. Just a smile, compliment or thank you can brighten your and someone else’s day. Do something nice for a friend, neighbour, family member or someone you don’t know!
Giving your time or joining a community group can:
- help you feel good about yourself
- improve your self-esteem
- bring opportunities to make friends and take part in social activities
- provide learning opportunities
It can be rewarding to give something back to your community. Join a Parks Friends Group to get involved in parks projects. Become an NHS volunteer or help vulnerable people in your community by joining the Royal Voluntary Service. Find more volunteering opportunities at Do IT.
Random Acts of Kindness
The little things can mean so much. Doing little acts of kindness each day can not only help the person you are being kind to but can help you by reducing stress, improving your self-esteem and making you feel good.
And if you do something nice for someone, they are more likely to do the same and do something nice for someone else. It’s about starting a chain that keeps on going, passing on little acts of kindness to others, helping us all feel a happier, positive and more connected to the world.
Thanks for doing your bit to make the world a happier place!
Doing something kind doesn’t need to cost a lot of time or money. It also doesn’t matter where you are or who the act of kindness is for. It could be at work, school, home or out in your community.
Below are a few ideas to get you started.
- Get in touch with a friend that you haven’t spoken to for a while
- Tell family, friends, your pets how much you love and appreciate them
- Make a meal for someone you care about
- Smile and say hello to a stranger
- Compliment someone
- Have a meat free day to help the environment
- Pick up some rubbish and help make your community a nicer place
- Say thanks to someone who’s helped you
- Ask if a homeless person needs anything.
Don’t forget about you…
- Be kind to yourself – for hints and tips, click here (link to Ways to look after yourself section if appropriate)
- Have a laugh – watch a funny TV programme or tell a silly joke
- Treat yourself to a little something – a bunch of flowers or a new book
- Do something you enjoy – listening to a favourite song or piece of music
- Keep a diary to remind yourself of all the good things that have happened to you that day – receiving a compliment or a stranger saying hello. Look back on your diary to remind yourself of the good things that can happen each day.